Monday, July 25, 2011

The Boss Factor

No, not this Boss..

 (No, we’re not lusting after our bosses…)

The Ladies of the Clam Jam are not immune to men. Far from it, actually. However, there is usually a clearly discernible reason for one of us to be so pressed. He’ll be classically and intensely attractive or have an amazing personality. Maybe he has a hobby we admire and always wanted to try.

But sometimes there’s something else. An X-factor. We like to call it The Boss Factor. 

A man with The Boss Factor can be a goober or a little off color. Dress poorly. Make bad jokes. And still he’s almost irresistible. His weird jokes are inexplicably funny and you can even get over his outlandish laugh (most of the time). You’d probably let him come home with you too because no matter what he does he is incredibly attractive.

The Ladies of the Clam Jam have known a man or two throughout their lives that fits this description and we’re guessing all other women have as well.

But, a year ago, we met a man who stumped us all. 

His Boss Factor-ness is so extreme it overcame all of us. We tend to have varied tastes and yet this clown had us all hooked. We’ve seen his hold over other women too. But why?  It's the way a man carries himself that counts. There's no other way to describe it. He knows the effect he has on women and feels the need to talk about it. Even worse, it's still somehow charming. In reality, we know he isn’t.that.attractive. and yet....

So, what is a Clam to do? Ladies should always be weary of the man with The Boss Factor but, like moths to a flame, sometimes we can't help ourselves. There is a slight rivalry present whenever we see This Boss but these Clams don’t share so there isn’t much we CAN do...

Except try to beat one another to the finish line! We've all agreed that whoever should gain points first with This Boss officially loses The Game for the month (to console the real losers).

1 comment:

  1. although you may be losing, youre winning in the end :)

    off to the races ladies!
