The Game

 Shortly after moving in, we, the ladies of The Clam Jam, decided to have a little friendly roommate competition. We don’t know what it is called or if it has a legitimate name but we just call it The Game.” 

Now, we know guys play The Game
(come on ladies, where do you think we first heard it from?)
but we decided we wanted to play too.
The guys can't have all the fun. 
You may have heard of it already but basically you get points for various activities with men. Dates, kisses, staying the night, getting a phone number… you name it and it has an associated point value.

Here is our breakdown:

Date                                        5
Sleep Over         
Phone Number    
Blind Date      
1st Base      
2nd Base    
3rd Base
the Deal/Home Run    
Embarrassment Factor          3
(the man making a fool of himself for a little Clam attention)
Believe us, this happens, and it is WORTHY of points

Now, we know this list and the premise behind The Game may look a little questionable, but the objective isn’t to go crazy.

(aka #SkankitOut)

We’ve all decided to act [about] the same as we normally do, but to use The Game as a way to keep track of our activity--so to speak. We’re not going to DFMO at Ryleighs in #FedHill just to get some points. (The Picky Clam will admit that she purposely moved a date--part of the reason was so she could get points-- but can you blame her? She also only moved one of them so she could have some integrity, since at the time the dates she had scheduled were so close together!)

The Game started on July 1st and nothing prior to that date counts. At the end of the month we’ll tally points and the two losers have to buy the winner a 6-pack.

We don't mess around when beer is involved.
Especially when it's Boh.


We Clams LOVE Boh.
(We are from Baltimore.)

You may also notice that there is a little bit of a slant in the game.
When initially coming up with point values we wanted to make sure that there wasn’t some sort of value judgment we weren’t trying to make. We didn’t want dates to be worth too much. We are not trying to find husbands here, we just want to have a little fun. The Deal (Home Run) is going all the way. It has such an outrageous amount of points because it won’t be happening often. (Like we said, we're not trying to #SkankitOut).

We are ladies, after all.
